- 线束组装工艺流程
- 本站编辑:杭州企力电子有限公司发布日期:2019-06-14 06:11 浏览次数:
2.线束的布线(将各子料号按照图面的要求平铺于定位板上.在布线时,首先要一个区域一个区域的去放,单一区域的子料号放完后,再去放跨区域的子料号, 跨区域的子料号也要先放简单的,再放复杂的。
4.电测.(由于组装线的线位较复杂,因此测试资料必须严格的核对.经PE & QE都确认后才能进行测试)
6. 线束子料号的入库(子料号必须经OQC检验PASS后, 方可进行后序动作)。

1. The production of the wire beam sub-material number must be compared to the positioning plate to determine the size of the line. In the current beam assembly process, it is often possible to meet the size of the sub-material number, but it can not meet the size of the positioning plate. Causing a lot of unnecessary waste. Submaterial numbers are also subject to electrical testing and full inspection.
2. Line beam wiring(lay each sub-material number on the positioning plate in accordance with the requirements of the surface. When wiring, first place one area in one area, place the sub-material number in a single area, and then put the sub-material number across the area., Cross-regional sub-material numbers also need to put simple, then complex.
3. Insert PIN. (Part of the PIN TER must first be inserted into the corresponding connector). The starting point of the tying line is generally the starting point of the double line in the positioning board. ))
4. Electric measurement. (Since the line position of the assembly line is more complex, the test data must be strictly checked. After PE & amp; QE is confirmed before testing)
5. Full check. (a) Check whether the terminal and CONN are within the tolerance band; B, check the tie ring is uniform; C, check the parts assembly method is correct. ))
6. The storage of the wire beam submaterial number(the submaterial number must pass the OQC test PASS before the post-order action can be performed).